35 Questions
15 Minutes to Complete

3 Types of Reports
Free - Basic - Premium


PDIs have been completed

E-Colors Observation System

If you are you interested in discovering the personality style of a friend, colleague or family member who has not yet discovered their E-Colors, please follow this link to the E-Colors Observation System.


Premium Reports 

Once you complete your E-Colors indicator, you’ll have the opportunity to unlock your personalized Premium Report which can help you leverage personality diversity by:

- Giving you a thorough framing of personality tendencies and behavioral awareness
- Raising your self-awareness in the work and personal environments
- Giving you an advanced understanding of Personal Intervention (self-management tool)
- Pointing out your coaching and self-management opportunities
- Helping you understand top E-Color triggers so you can apply the information learned at any point, even if you do not know the other persons E-Colors
- Providing communication protocols to apply all of the new concepts and enhance your personal effectiveness

If a more detailed report is needed for yourself, a department, or an entire organization, consider our Basic or Premium reports. Please follow this link to purchase the required number of Redemption Codes


Report Details

FREE Report

BASIC Report


 Report length

1 Paragraph

1 Page

33 Pages

 Discover your E-Color combination (top 2 E-Colors)

 Basic understanding of what the top 4 E-Colors represent


 Pie chart providing your full E-Colors make up and percentages


 Basic self-awareness overview and limited self-management tips


 Advanced self-awareness review (Professional and Personal environments)


 Advanced self-management section, including Personal Intervention


 E-Colors trigger recognition sheets and practical application protocols



E-Colors Interactive Alignment Reports 

Put the knowledge of your E-Colors to work immediately by utilizing the E-Colors Interactive Alignment Reports. Follow this link to learn more!