What is an E-Colors Certified Practitioner™ ?

As a licensed E-Colors Certified Practitioner™, you’ll gain access to the emerging E-Colors Personality Framework™ with groundbreaking results at the individual, team, and organizational level at a significantly lower price than other established and archaic Personality technologies.

Join a global community of facilitators, coaches and consultants who are making a difference in our society. Practitioners all over the world are having a positive impact on their clients, communities, teams and organizations through our simple yet highly applicable tools. Start your journey to join the E-Colors global practitioner community today.

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Why Become an E-Colors Certified Practitioner™?

  • Work with a modern and flexible company – we’ll ensure the content works for you!
  • We actually care about your success
  • Updated for modern times, aligned with emotional intelligence and discouraging profiling
  • Transparent, flexible pricing that adapts to your circumstance 
  • Live training and Certification process – work with your assigned coach
  • Simple, practical and applicable content
  • We’ll help you market and get clients
  • Personalized co-branded merchandising

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Which Successful Companies are using the E-Colors?

Organizations around the world love the E-Colors both for its simplicity, and the timely effectiveness of the results.  Some of our clients include Chevron, Hilton Hotels, Accenture, SAP, L'Oreal and the Houston Zoo, just to name few.










Certified Practitioners 





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We look forward to showing you how the E-Colors Personality approach will help you obtain more clients and deliver better results. Please fill out the form below and schedule an initial exploration conversation.