Oil & Gas Industry

“With Equilibria, we gained a workforce confident and assured in exercising their Stop Work Authority from a unique conviction that they are respected, appreciated and protected.”

– HES Manager


Deliver a world class behavioral management solution that enables an athlete to understand their strengths and vulnerabilities, as well as the strengths and vulnerabilities of their team mates. The application must be simple, yet effective while adapting to the specific requirements associated with the mental and physical stress of an elite water polo team.


Equilibria introduced the E-Colors to the USA water polo team using a written format for the whole team and coaching staff to see.  When certain characteristics were pointed out, and upon discovering some team mates shared the same E-Colors, common ground was established in areas that we would not have been able to anticipate.

As revealed by the E-Colors exercise, each team member had different strengths, weaknesses or potential limiters, and characters, and it was up to us to maximize each other’s potential.

Upon recognition of their individual E-Colors, the team was able to delve much deeper into their  understanding of each other.  This knowledge resulted in realizing everyone did not feel comfortable discussing potential limiters, while others hesitated in speaking about their strengths.

The notion that each teammate brought something unique and different to the team was a game changer. Further, the E-Colors revealed the team was not only composed of 16 athletes, they had 16 leaders on the team.


Equilibria provided a road map which maximized each person's potential, along with the ability to capitalize on the potential of the entire team. Prior to Equilibria, the USA women's water polo squad had been a great team.  Afterwards, they became a team that worked together to accomplish one of the greatest of feats, another victory on the Olympic stage.

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